Aaaaaaand we're back!
After the success of Round 1, where we defeated Team Brigands Prime 5-0, we had a spot of tasty and nutritious deep fried meat ready for Round 2.
We were drawn against Brigands Epic, which also featured double Skorne. Seems like Leinster has a lot of wannabe Mortitheurges and Archdominas.
Round 2 - Team Brigands Epic
Double Skorne
Double Cygnar
Pairing process went a lot better this time. Our Madrak2 player wanted to get into the Minions, as both lists were heavy with dudes for him to Pacman off. We desperately wanted to drop Wurmwood into one of the Skorne pairings, and I wanted to dodge Kara Sloan if possible.
I didn't manage to dodge her in the pairings, but we got the rest of the matchups we wanted.
Game 2
Scenario: Outlast
Opponent: Conor
I picked Lylyth1, because Wrongeye and Snapjaw are incredible against Sloan, and I've faced her before with Aby2 and lost 2 heavies on the way in. Lylyth1 always threatens Kara, and I wanted that option available. In the end, my opponent went with his second list:
Captain Jeremiah Kraye
- Centurion
- Stormclad
- Stormclad
- Squire
Tempest Blazers (max)
Stormblade Infantry
- Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
- Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (1)
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Alten Ashley
Kraye, a few tough heavies, and a Stormboat. Lanyssa would be annoying and Alten could put some hurt on my beasts and would need to die early before he snipes out spirits and stops me healing them.
I won the roll and chose first turn, leaving Conor to pick the table edge with a Hill and Trench. Probably should've gone second, but I had a nice Forest. I deployed the Grotesques and Assassins opposite the left zone ready to head into said forest, the Deathstalkers dead centre, and Wrongeye and the Raptors on the right.
The Stormboat and Stormclads went dead centre, Centurion opposite my Banshees, and the Tempest Blazers opposite my Raptors.
Round 1 - Positioning
The Banshees all run forward to create a wide frontage screen. The Assassins get them all in their bubbles, granting Stealth. Lylyth and her Battlegroup move up centrally, with the Naga heading towards the forest on the left. The Raptors head right. Snapjaw tramples and submerges, and Wrongeye drops some fury and runs.
Conor had Rhupert tough his Stormboat and ran it onto the hill, with Stormclads either side. The Centurion headed towards my Banshees. The Tempest Blazers realised they'd lose a fight with Raptors, and ran away towards the Centurion instead. Fine by me!
Alten moved into a Trench, and Lanyssa moved up with him.
The Jacks then used their Reposition 5" move to move further in. The list is pretty fast, but I have a long reach!
Round 2 - Fight!
The Deathstalkers got us started. The first one sniped out two guys next to the Stormgunner, the second Deathstalker sniped the last guy in pick-up range, then killed the Gunner. That's that dealt with.
(Advice: Deathstalkers are some of the best models in the game now. In Mk2 they were already pushing the boundaries of 2pt solos. Now at 4pts, there really is an argument for 2 in every list)
Lylyth gave herself snipe, walked up, landed a shot on a Stormclad and Pursuited it, the second shot killing a Stormblade. The Ravagore walked up and nailed it with a big damage roll, knocking off the sword arm. Great success. The Bolt Thrower walked up and pushed the Stormclad back a bit, knocked it down, and did a few more points. The Gobbers walked up with Lylyth and dropped their cloud infront of her, to block LOS.
The Banshees ran into the Forest and spread so they couldn't be too engaged by the Reach heavies coming towards them. One Assassin hid completely behind the forest, meaning he was untouchable by anything but Blast damage, which my opponent lacked entirely. The other took a very wide flank, hunting for Alten Ashley.
Wrongeye and Snapjaw walked and disappeared under water. The Raptors fired a few shots into Stormblades and repositioned to safety.
Conor toughed the Stormboats again and gunned for some payback. The Centurion walked up further and repositioned into the middle of the zone.
Lanyssa followed behind him with Winter Storm up. Alten put a few points into the Ravagore's spirit. The Stormboat kept sailing towards me, and the Pursuited Stormclad stayed very still on the hill, obviously afraid of me making a cheeky beeline towards Kraye from the free move. The other one advanced and tried a shot on a Raptor, but missed.
Round 3 - Lines are formed.
Heavies to the left of me, heavies to the right. Just where we want them! Lylyth kept Pursuit.
The Deathstalkers both aimed and killed 4 more Stormblades. Deathstalkers really are insanely good. I didn't want to feat just yet, so the Banshees repositioned further behind the forest a bit, to try and draw the Tempest Blazers in further. I'd lose a few to the shooting, but the Feat should let me wipe them out.
The Assassin that went Flanking charged in on Lanyssa but missed both his attacks. Fool!
Lylyth swapped her attention to the Centurion, hitting it and applying Parasite. Now when he came at me next turn, he'd have to worry about getting beaten on by everything in my list.
Wrongeye put up Star Crossed, and Snapjaw hid behind the Banshees in a pool of gloop.
I was giving up the engagement here, but I'd wiped out his infantry and I wanted his Blazers to come in close before I struck.
Conor attacked hard, the Centurion charging in, putting up Polarity Field and killing a Banshee, before repositioning into the middle of them. The Blazers killed a few Banshees by Electro Leaping off his back, and repositioned behind him to be covered by its reach.
The unpursued Stormclad came in now and killed another Banshee, then repositioned in further.
Alten put a few more points on the Ravagore, and Lanyssa tried to kill the Grotesque Assassin, but failed. The few remaning Stormblades ran up to jam. Conor had cleared the left zone, and with Kraye in it could score a few points, but he advanced the pursiuted Stormclad and I walked the Naga into the zone to contest.
Round 4 - Feat turn.
Time for payback. Lylyth upkeeps Parasite and drops Pursuit.
Lylyth goes and feats and puts her shots into the blazers, killing one and missing one before walking into the right hand zone! The Banshees go next, do a few points to the Centurion, but with their sprays and 3d6 to hit, kill Lanyssa and all but two of the Blazers. The Deathstalkers finish the Stormblades. The Grotesque Assassin in the zone charges Alten and puts him in the dirt.
The Ravagore walks into the Centurion and casually scraps it, Parasite making it Dice-2 and it having taken a few points already.
Snapjaw goes into the Stormclad and scraps it, the charge crippling the Buckler, the Tail knocking it down. He even has a fury left to Submerge. Wrongeye gets about 3" behind him and puts up Starcrossed and Submerge.
With Lylyth now dominating, I score 2.
Conor only has a crippled Stormclad, Kraye, a Squire and 2 Blazers left. The Stormclad charges at Snapjaw, but thanks to Starcrossed and the crippled Arm, fails to kill him. The Blazers kill a few Banshees, Kraye tries to clear the zone but fails.
With nothing to contest, I go to 4.
Round 5 - Fin.
I score 5 at the end of my turn.
Our team went 3-2 this round, winning narrowly. Madrak got taken out by Minions, after he got way too greedy on his feat turn and left himself wildly out of position. Our Ret player got Ossyan killed, when his opponent fired a single shot from a Titan Cannoneer and landed a 15 to hit, followed by a 17 on damage to one shot him.
We're in the final, and we'll be facing the second Irish team, Team Craic.
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