Mah Waifu

Mah Waifu

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


The last 2 games from the weekend, then there'll be a short break as I travel to Slovakia for STEAMSTORM, a European tournament run by Martin "the Don" Hornáček every year. My initial plan was to bring Aby2 and Saeryn's Theme, but it appears I may be without Zuriel - That'd mean falling back on one of our other casters, most likely eThags or pVayl.

But first, the weekend games:

Game 7/100
Absylonia2 Vs Caine2
Opponent: Pat Dunford
Scenario: Outflank

Pat's trying a gimmicky eCaine list which has led to some real hilarity, including Magic Bulleting 8 points of support on Turn 1 and 2 against another poor Cygnar player. I'm playing my Aby2 list from previous posts.

Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Dynamo (10pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Sword Knights (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Hunter (6pts)
* Hunter (6pts)
* Sword Knight Officer & Standard (2pts)
Archduke Alain Runewood (3pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)

Action shot!

Started off quite cagey, with Pat being concerned about Caine getting tagged by my shooting. I actually cast Return Fire here to keep Caine honest - I clearly won't hit him with an unboosted RAT 5, but even POW 8 blast vs Caine is scary for his ARM 13. Return Fire paid off as Holt took a shot at my Ravagore, was just out of range, and my Ravagore calmly rolled an 11 to hit and blew his face off.

Caine is a big swinger though, and the swingiest thing about him is his Feat. Pat's plan was the clear the left zone, by killing the Raek and Ravagore in it, and win on Scenario. Pat's dice truly betrayed him and he rolled 4 Snakeeyes on Feat Turn doing almost no damage to my Ravagore. Then 3 more the next turn after I'd feated and killed Dynamo and mostly everything else.

By this point, Pat had very few models left as I'd feated and killed ALL the things, but Caine was still an assassination threat. He charged my Raek, Gatecrashed into Aby and tried to roll lots of hard 7s (7s to hit, 7s to force a transfer due to previous Magic Bullet related injuries). He got a few,, but left her on 2 boxes. Aby cut for 1, then sliced his face off.

Assassination WIN!

Game 8/100
Saeryn (Fallen Angels - Tier 4) Vs Calandra (Elemental Communion - Tier 3)
Opponent: John Boyling
Scenario: Close Quarters

This list is WACKY and if I played Trolls I'd totally play this. You could have some real fun with each Light Troll, characterising them through small conversions and paint jobs, and despite the list inevitably being multiples of the same model you could really make it look cool!

Calandra (*5pts)
*Runebearer (2pts)
*Pyre Troll (5pts)
*Pyre Troll (5pts)
*Pyre Troll (5pts)
*Slag Troll (6pts)
*Slag Troll (6pts)
*Slag Troll (6pts)
*Slag Troll (6pts)
*Winter Troll (5pts)
*Storm Troll (5pts)
*Storm Troll (5pts)
*Storm Troll (5pts)
Krielstone (max, Leader+5) (4pts)
*Stone Scribe Elder (Krielstone UA) (1pt)


So I didn't even know what to DO against this list. It's wacky. I settled for the "Kill all the things before you run out of toys" strategy.

John feated early and left an Angelius on Fire and Corroded with 2 boxes left, then Fire went out (HA!) His feat was terrifying. Really. Starcrossed is BULLSHIT. Keeping track of Corrosion and Fire is rubbish. The Stone is complete BS. Arrrrrrrrrgh Trollllllsssssssssss.

I charged in and crippled 5 lights or so and feated. Then we just mushed our toys against each others until I won 5-0 on Scenario by standing on my flag all game. It was a ridiculous grind, with repeated moments of "I befuddle Zuriel out of combat. 3 lights shoot him, he dies, he respawns back into combat". Zuriel died 3 times in this game!

Eventually my Heavies just won out the grind after a failed assassination on Calandra. I will play against this list again, possibly with Aby, to get more experience against it.

Scenario WIN!

Best thing about the weekend is getting 5 games of Warmachine in, and I will do more this weekend! It's getting towards time where I need to get my lists ready for serious practice, and Aby2 is becoming more and more likely!

Next update will be Tuesday!

Current Stats:

Absylonia2: 5 games played (4/1)

Saeryn: 3 games played (2/1)

Faction Stats:

Skorne: 2 games played (2/0)
Retribution: 1 game played (1/0)
Trollbloods: 2 games played (2/0) 

Cygnar: 3 games played (1/2)

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