Mah Waifu

Mah Waifu

Monday 25 July 2016

WTC Practice Event - Free Games!

We couldn't end the weekend without squeezing in a few more games of course, especially on the Sunday when not a single local player showed up.

I sat down first opposite my team member and resident Retspert, Mark (from here on referred to as "Tinder").

Tinder was itching to try out his new Battlebox caster, so I put pLylyth down to fight off some elven robot chumps:

Opponent: "Tinder"
Scenario: Recon
Matchup: pLylyth vs Helynna

Magister Helynna
 - Chimera
 - Discordia
 - Sphinx
 - Manticore
 - Banshee
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
Dawnguard Sentinels (max)
 - Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard
 - Soulless Escort (2)
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik

That's a lot of robots!

My Deathstalkers and Grotesque Assassins tore apart the Sentinels, who died to a man taking only a few Banshees with them in exchange, while the rest of the Banshees were jamming the Myrmidon swarm.

There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry!

The shooting from Ret was pretty heavy but Lylyth took it on the chin, picking a Parasite target for the Ravagore and Bolt Thrower to put heavy damage on every turn. Wrongeye and Snapjaw were a constant threat, with their whole "can't be shot" thing keeping them relatively safe.

Eventually, Tinder committed into the zone after he'd spent his feat on the approach, going 3 points up on Scenario. Sadly, Helynna is not survivable enough for that, and the Ravagore's shot under Parasite blew her sky high.

Assassination Victory

After some late night Dizzle-Dojo with Pat D, I made a few changes to the Lylyth list to make it a bit more focused and up the hitting power:

Lylyth, Herald of Everblight 
 - Typhon
 - Nephilim Bolt Thrower
Grotesque Banshees (max)
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max)
Grotesque Assassin
Grotesque Assassin
Wrong Eye
 - Snapjaw
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew
Strider Deathstalker
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd 

The inclusion of Typhon gives me way more firepower, because his sprays under Parasite are insane, and also great at offing infantry swarms with Lylyth's feat. The Hellmouth gives me a much needed control element, allowing me to pick off isolated targets to kill without fear of retaliation.

On Sunday, I was itching to get this on the table and sat down opposite Dan "The Duke" Common for a fight against Butcher 3.

Opponent: "The Duke"
Scenario: The Pit
Matchup: pLylyth vs Butcher3

Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed
 - War Argus
 - Kodiak
 - Kodiak
 - Juggernaut
 - Behemoth
 - Marauder
 - War Dog
Ogrun Bokur
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
Widowmaker Scouts
Widowmaker Marksman

I wonder if the meta shifted with MK3 from oodles of medium base boxes to oodles of large base boxes. Really stretching those design space muscles.

I took second on the Pit, because I knew Butcher would be coming at me and I wanted a cheeky Scenario win. Lylyth ran onto the flag on my 2nd Turn, and pushed the only heavy (the Marauder) out of run and contest range, meaning that I scored at the end of mine, and the end of Dan's, and the end of mine again, putting me 3-0 before Butcher got close to my flag.

Highlight of the game goes to the Hellmouth, who pulled Behemoth from contesting Dan's flag about 11"  through a forest and then helped Snapjaw tear it up.

Butcher eventually got there and went blending, managing to remove Typhon, Snapjaw and most of the Banshees, but not preventing me from scoring to 4. Lylyth had 3 heavies contesting her own flag, and wasn't likely to score there, but the Raptors simply ran onto Dan's, which was left uncontested, to put me at 5.

Scenario Victory

Finally, the last game of the weekend was against Madrak2 and member of Ireland Team Craic, Pat "Potato Wizard" Long.

Opponent: Pat
Scenario: Incursion
Matchup: eAbsylonia vs Madrak2

Madrak Ironhide, World Ender
 - Pyre Troll 
 - Mulg the Ancient
 - Trollkin Runebearer
 - Troll Axer
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max)
 - Stone Scribe Elder
Long Riders (min)
Trollkin Fennblades (max)
 - Fennblade Officer and Drummer
Fell Caller Hero
Fennblade Kithkar
Horthol, Long Rider Hero

I think that's about right.

I went first, threw Fortify up on Proteus and moved everything up as fast as possible. The Deathstalkers were ready for the Fennblades that would be screaming down the left and middle.

Pat unpacked and moved up and swapped over to me. He wasn't quite close enough to commit heavily to, so I put Proteus contesting the middle flag behind a wall, the Seraph contesting the right flag in range of just a single Long Rider that it missed with its gunshots. The Deathstalkers refrained from triggering Vengeance, to limit how many Fennblades could get into me.

Bloodfury on the Fennblades and they went into Proteus, but at Dice-10 and needing 7s to hit over the wall, with only 4 getting in, he was left mostly healthy. The Seraph got Bull Rushed out of contestation range by the Long Rider and Pat put Horthol on the flag to go to 1.

The Deathstalkers aimed and casually freed up Proteus from the 4 engaging Fennblades. Proteus then charged and due to spacing was able to wipe the remaining Fennblades and the Fennblade Kithkar off the table. Pretty solid.

Fortify got moved over to Typhon, who walked and sprayed 2 of the Long Riders to death and sat in contestation range of the right flag, and I went to two points from the middle and left.

Pat couldn't shift Typhon, who at 13/20 with Excessive Healing was just too difficult to move. With nothing to contest the left flag, I went to 3. Clearing the middle with Aby herself, I put her on the flag to go to 5.

Scenario Victory

Well, I finished the weekend 6-0, 4 wins with pLylyth and 2 with eAbsylonia. Pretty chuffed!

Thanks for reading!

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